CAKE Mural at The Battery in San Francisco

Our latest mural - dedicated to the alternative rock band CAKE - is now complete on the back wall of The Battery in San Francisco. Following the devastating fires in California, the mural tells a hopeful story of renewal and is the first step in a multi-phase effort by One Atmosphere and CAKE to help San Francisco school kids replant trees. Once safe to do so, CAKE will perform a benefit concert to fund an unprecedented tree giveaway to students and concert goers.

The art for the mural was developed by the creative teams at One Atmosphere and CAKE and by artist Natalie Gabriel at 836m, with inspiration from artist John Vogl. Natalie was also incredible leading the design and execution of the mural on location, with critical help from numerous volunteers, including the next generation of environmental leaders from SOTA.

Much gratitude to CAKE for their constant and selfless efforts on behalf of the environment and all things cool, and to the wonderful people at The Battery for trusting us with their wall to create art. Many thanks also to our friends at Nextworld for their very material support. Local CBS news story on mural here.